Thursday, February 14, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 23-Dog Fighting

 Dog fighting should be illegal because the poor innocent didn't do nothing at all.Because dog fighting is illegal and therefore not widely publicized,spectators don't merely happen upon a fight;they seek it all out.Sometimes people don't think at all because they might want a dog and they use the dog to get money and other things.Dog fighting should DISTINCT because the people are killing the dogs for money or as bait so the other dogs can be trained to attack other dogs.The FORMULA to this situation is that the owners doesn't take care of these poor dogs that is getting killed.These dogs have great POTENTIAL stop wastening their lifes.For example these people need to get off the streets fast.This shows that their a bad owner who doesn't care about the dog.This also shows that if they can't take care of themselves why get a dog.In addition dog fighting should be illegal.This shows that they don't care.This also show that they are going to belocked up for the rest of their lives if they are going to keep doing this over and over again.

Monday, February 11, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 21

Performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids, should/should not be allowed in sports.
For example, it makes them strong but bad for the body
In addition,steroids are bad for you stuff can go with your body
Also,it could really make you strong so you dont have to work out.
In conclusion,dont use steriods.

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 22

Felons should be allowed to vote. For example, they have the right to vote. This shows that they are American. This also shows that they are free to do whatever they want. In addition, if they were born in America, they should have the right to vote. This shows that they have the power in their hands.
This also shows that if they want to vote, it's their choice.
In conclusion, felons should be alllowed to vote.